Unit 1: Lesson 2
For the Love of Our Earth
9/14 - 9/118
Preparing to Read
Read & Respond
Language Arts
Long /o/
o and o_e
Long /u/
u and u_e
High Frequency Words
both, cold, hold, open, buy, goes
Comprehension Strategies:
- Summarizing
- Making Connections
Comprehension Skills:
- Drawing Conclusions
menu curl unit fuse
nose most joke vote
- Action Verbs
EXTENSION (optional):
Use a dictionary to determine what part of speech the word is.
Use a dictionary to determine what part of speech the word is.
Does this word have different definitions?
Are there different parts of speech for this word?
OPTIONAL - Use may use these two sheets to assist with vocabulary extension.
Classwork Writing Activity
2.OA.1 Represent and
solve problems involving
addition and subtraction.
2.OA.2 Add and subtract within 20.
OPTIONAL - The following sheets can
assist your child with review, reinforcement, and/or enrichment.
Stories About Joining
Stories About Separating
Stories About Comparing
Connecting Addition and Subtraction

Civics and Government
2.C&G.2 Understand the roles and responsibilities of citizens.
2.C&G.2.1 Exemplify characteristics of good citizenship through historical figures and everyday citizens.
2.C&G.2.2 Explain why it is important for citizens to participate in their community.
Community - people who work and play together
Citizens - the people who live in and belong to a community
Responsibility - something that a person should take of or do
Volunteers - people who work without getting paid
Consequence - what happens because of what a person does
Consequence - what happens because of what a person does
Earth Day Suzie Eco-Friendly

Halloween Town What Does the Fox Say?

Lettering Delights Alphabets
When I Grow Up
Lettering Delights Graphics
Night Owl
Banner Day Fun
Get a Job
For the Love of Our Earth Craft
Buzzing About Second Grade Blog
Teacher's Notebook Store
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